Welcome to Trans-Nzoia County

Our Mission is to facilitate transformative development, service delivery and good governance for sustainable socio-economic development and Our Vision is to be an outstanding agro-industrialized County with high quality of life for residents.

Education & Technical Training

Education & Technical Training

This department has the mandate to manage public schools, ensuring all children have access to quality education. They develop and implement the education infrastructure, focusing on equipping students with necessary knowledge and skills. Providing technical training in various fields empowers individuals for employability and entrepreneurship. Their efforts contribute to building a skilled and educated workforce.


  • Promoting access to education, and ensuring quality education for all.
Key functions:
  • Developing and implementing education infrastructure.



Mr. Jackson Wanyungu Amboka
CECM Education & Technical Training

This sector is responsible for overseeing primary, secondary, and technical/vocational education within the county. It includes the management of public schools, curriculum development, teacher training, and educational infrastructure development.

Mr Kennedy Etiang’ Seme
County Chief Officer – Education & Technical Training

Education Background:

  • 1986-1988: College – Eregi Teachers Training College (TTC) – P1 Certificate
  • 2004-2009: University – University of Nairobi – Bachelor of Education (BEd) Arts

Professional Background:

  • 1988-1994: Teacher
  • 1995-1996: Deputy Head Teacher
  • 1997-2022: Senior Head Teacher
  • 2022 to Date: Chief Officer, Education and Technical Training

Skills and Expertise:

  • Innovative and Creative: Demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to education and training.
  • Good Communicator: Effective in conveying ideas and information clearly.
  • Resourceful: Skilled in finding quick and clever solutions to challenges.
  • Fast Learner: Quickly adapts to new situations and information.

Honors and Awards:

  • 2008-2015: Chairman, Games and Sports, Trans Nzoia West
  • 2004-2016: Chairman, Trans Nzoia Teachers Housing Cooperative
  • 2009 to Date: National Chairman, Education, God’s Grace Revival Ministries Church

As the Chief Officer for the Department of Education and Technical Training, Mr. Kennedy Etiang Seme brings decades of experience and a deep commitment to advancing education in Trans Nzoia County. His innovative mindset, effective communication skills, and leadership roles in various educational and community organizations have greatly contributed to the development and success of educational initiatives within the county.


Early Childhood Development, Pri & Sec Education

    • Providing access to quality ECD programs for young children.
    • Managing public primary and secondary schools, ensuring quality education for all children.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

  • Providing technical and vocational training in various fields to equip individuals for employment and entrepreneurship.

Other Sectors

    • Adult Education and Literacy: Promoting adult literacy programs and lifelong learning opportunities.
    • Higher Education (Support): While not directly managing universities, some counties may offer scholarships or support programs for higher education.