Welcome to Trans-Nzoia County

Our Mission is to facilitate transformative development, service delivery and good governance for sustainable socio-economic development and Our Vision is to be an outstanding agro-industrialized County with high quality of life for residents.

County Broad Strategic Priorities

County Broad Strategic Priorities

The priorities outlined in this document are consistent with the aspirations in the County Integrated Development Plan (2022-2026).

The County government plans to focus on the following key priorities;

  1. Promotion of health care – To be achieved through Completion of County Teaching and Referral hospital, construction of new health facilities, rehabilitation and expansion of existing health facilities, and sustainable supply of pharmaceuticals and health commodities.
  2. Improving road infrastructure – This will be achieved through continuous maintenance and construction of earth, gravel and bitumen roads as well as bridges and river Acquisition of road construction equipment in addition to investment in the modern road construction technology.
  3. Promoting the Agriculture sector – To ensure a food secure county, the government will upscale subsidization of farm inputs, land and soil management, Artificial Insemination (AI), Value addition in agricultural produce, and revamping extension services.
  4. Improvement of education standards – This will be achieved through Expansion of ECDE and VTC infrastructure, provision of the Elimu Bursary Fund, provision of modern equipment for VTCs, learning and instructional materials among other initiatives.
  5. Provision of clean, safe and adequate water – This will be achieved through extension of Water Gravity Schemes, sinking and equipping boreholes, rehabilitation of water dams and investing in efficient waste management. 
  6. Promotion of trade, fair business practices and Industrial development – This will be achieved through completion of Kitale Business Centre, Construction of modern Wholesale and retail market, revival of the Jua Kali sector, provision of business financing to micro and small enterprises, and opening the Suam Border Point for Trade and Investment.
  7. Social protection and Youth empowerment – This will be achieved through Promotion sports, culture, tourism and performing arts and support the vulnerable by establishing safety nets to ensure they enjoy quality life.
  8. Good governance – This will be achieved through strengthening of governance administrative systems, strengthening of public participation structures, institutionalize performance management system, establish disasters response and mitigation structures and undertake continuous staff training programmes.
  9. Developing appropriate policies and plans – that will guide resource allocation and strategies to support revenue mobilization.

Rationale for the Preparation of Annual Development Plan

The Kenya Vision 2030 is the national blueprint that forms the national development agenda that is being implemented through a series of 5-year Medium Term Plans (MTPs) and therefore the CIDP 2018-2022 has been aligned to the Vision through MTP III. The CIDP identifies specific projects and programmes for implementation over the five year period. On the other hand, County Annual Development Plan provides a pull out of the key priority and strategies from the CIDP to be executed in the financial year 2022/2023.The plan will also form the basis for all budgeting and spending as provided for in the law.