Population size and composition
Trans Nzoia County is a cosmopolitan county with cultural diversity comprising majority of the 44 Kenyan tribes residing in the county. The Kenya Population and Housing Census (KPHC) of 2019 enumerated a total of 990,341 persons in Trans Nzoia County, with 489,107 being male and 501,206 being female and 28 being inter sex. According to the KPHC 2019, the county population density is 397 persons per square kilometre while the average house hold size is 4.4 persons. Using the inter censal growth rate of 3.6 percent for population projection, the population for the County in 2022 is projected to be 1,103,256 persons and by the year 2023 it is projected to increase to 1,143,697 persons. Table 1.3 shows the population projections by age cohorts for the years 2022 and 2023 respectively.
Age Cohort | 2019 (Census) | 2022 Projections | 2023 (Projections) | ||||||
M | F | Total | M | F | Total | M | F | Total | |
0-4 | 65,326 | 64,232 | 129,558 | 72,776 | 71,558 | 144,334 | 75,444 | 74,181 | 149,624 |
5-9 | 71,635 | 71,287 | 142,922 | 79,805 | 79,417 | 159,222 | 82,730 | 82,328 | 165,058 |
10-14 | 75,156 | 74,192 | 149,348 | 83,727 | 82,653 | 166,381 | 86,796 | 85,683 | 172,480 |
15-19 | 63,629 | 60,915 | 124,544 | 70,886 | 67,862 | 138,748 | 73,484 | 70,350 | 143,834 |
20-24 | 40,757 | 44,351 | 85,108 | 45,405 | 49,409 | 94,814 | 47,070 | 51,220 | 98,290 |
25-29 | 31,725 | 36,224 | 67,949 | 35,343 | 40,355 | 75,698 | 36,639 | 41,835 | 78,473 |
30-34 | 30,115 | 34,425 | 64,540 | 33,550 | 8,351 | 71,901 | 34,779 | 39,757 | 74,536 |
35-39 | 24,055 | 23,253 | 47,308 | 26,798 | 25,905 | 52,703 | 27,781 | 26,855 | 54,635 |
40-44 | 21,786 | 22,284 | 44,070 | 24,271 | 24,825 | 49,096 | 25,160 | 25,735 | 50,896 |
45-49 | 16,867 | 16,809 | 33,676 | 18,791 | 18,726 | 37,517 | 19,479 | 19,412 | 38,892 |
50-54 | 12,519 | 13,417 | 25,936 | 13,947 | 14,947 | 28,894 | 14,458 | 15,495 | 29,953 |
55-59 | 10,888 | 12,207 | 23,095 | 12,130 | 13,599 | 25,729 | 12,574 | 14,098 | 26,672 |
60-64 | 8,807 | 9,082 | 17,889 | 9,811 | 10,118 | 19,929 | 10,171 | 10,489 | 20,660 |
65-69 | 6,137 | 6,540 | 12,677 | 6,837 | 7,286 | 14,123 | 7,088 | 7,553 | 14,640 |
70-74 | 4,371 | 4,778 | 9,149 | 4,870 | 5,323 | 10,192 | 5,048 | 5,518 | 10,566 |
75-79 | 2,347 | 3,060 | 5,407 | 2,615 | 3,409 | 6,024 | 2,711 | 3,534 | 6,244 |
80-84 | 1,558 | 1,942 | 3,500 | 1,736 | 2,163 | 3,899 | 1,799 | 2,243 | 4,042 |
85-89 | 886 | 1,318 | 2,204 | 987 | 1,468 | 2,455 | 1,023 | 1,522 | 2,545 |
90-94 | 322 | 454 | 776 | 359 | 506 | 865 | 372 | 524 | 896 |
95-99 | 189 | 308 | 497 | 211 | 343 | 554 | 218 | 356 | 574 |
100+ | 31 | 125 | 156 | 35 | 139 | 174 | 36 | 144 | 180 |
NS* | 1 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
TOTAL | 489,107 | 501,206 | 990,313 | 544,889 | 558,367 | 1,103,256 | 564,862 | 578,835 | 1,143,697 |
Source: County Economic Planning Department, 2021
In the table above the highest proportion of the population in Trans Nzoia is Children of Age 0-17 which accounted for 51 percent of the county population in 2019. The county has generally a youthful population with 851,098 of her population below 35 years of age, representing 77 per cent of the total projected population for the county in 2022 and 24,167 persons in the age cohort, 70+ representing the population of the elderly persons. On the other hand, the labour force mainly of ages 15-64 years has a projected population of 595,029 persons in 2022 representing 54 percent of the total county projected population in 2022.
Urban Centre |
2019 (Census) |
2022 (Projections) |
2023 (Projected) |
M |
F |
Total |
M |
F |
Total |
M |
F |
T |
Kitale |
80,521 |
81,648 |
162,169 |
89,704 |
90,960 |
180,664 |
92,992 |
87,743 |
187,286 |
Kiminini |
7,980 |
8,580 |
16,560 |
8,890 |
9,559 |
18,449 |
9,216 |
9,221 |
19,125 |
88,501 |
90,228 |
178,734 |
98,594 |
100,519 |
199,113 |
102,208 |
96,964 |
206,417 |
Source: County Economic Planning Department, 2021
Population desnsity and distribution
Table below shows the population distribution by Gender and Sub County in 2019, and projections for 2022 and 2023 while table 1.0.6 shows the projected population density by Sub County for the years 2019, 2022 and 2023.
Sub County | 2019 (Census) | 2022 (Projections) | 2023 (Projections) | ||||||
M | F | T | M | F | T | M | F | T | |
Kiminini | 118,087 | 124,730 | 242,817 | 131,555 | 138,955 | 270,510 | 136,377 | 144,049 | 280,425 |
Saboti | 101,198 | 101,174 | 202,372 | 112,739 | 112,713 | 225,452 | 116,872 | 116,844 | 233,716 |
Kwanza | 100,234 | 103,584 | 203,818 | 111,665 | 115,398 | 227,063 | 115,759 | 119,628 | 235,386 |
Endebess | 56,090 | 55,689 | 111,779 | 62,487 | 62,040 | 124,527 | 64,777 | 64,314 | 129,092 |
Cherangany | 113,498 | 116,029 | 229,527 | 126,442 | 129,262 | 255,704 | 131,077 | 134,000 | 265,077 |
TOTAL | 489,107 | 501,206 | 990,313 | 544,889 | 558,367 | 1,103,256 | 564,862 | 578,835 | 1,143,697 |
Source: County Economic Planning Department, 2021
Sub County Name | 2019 (Census) | 2022 Population Projection | 2023 Population Projection | ||||
Area Sq. Kms | population | Density | Population | Density | Population | Density | |
Kiminini | 367 | 242,823 | 662 | 270,516 | 737 | 280,432 | 765 |
Saboti | 355 | 202,377 | 569 | 225,458 | 634 | 233,722 | 657 |
Kwanza | 465 | 203,821 | 438 | 227,066 | 488 | 235,390 | 506 |
Endebess | 678 | 111,782 | 165 | 124,530 | 184 | 129,095 | 191 |
Cherangany | 629 | 229,538 | 365 | 255,716 | 406 | 265,090 | 422 |
TOTAL | 2,495 | 990,341 | 397 | 1,103,287 | 442 | 1,143,729 | 458 |
Source: County Economic Planning Department, 2021
According to KPHC 2019, the County has a population density of 397 people per square Kilometre and is projected to increase to 442 people per square Kilometer in 2022. This is expected to rise further to 458 by 2023 .Trans Nzoia County is among top fifteen densely populated counties in Kenya. The report indicates further that Kiminini Sub County has the highest population and is also the most densely populated sub county. On the other hand, Endebess Sub County is the least populated with a population of 111,782 persons and a population density of 165 persons per square kilometer.
Our Mission is to facilitate transformative development, service delivery and good governance for sustainable socio-economic development and Our Vision is to be an outstanding agro-industrialized County with high quality of life for residents.
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