The county has a total of 803 ECDE centres with 402 public ECDE centres and 383 registered private ECDE centre. On the other hand the total enrollment rate in the county is 69,308 pupils out of which 34,863 pupils represent boys while 34,455 represent girls. The County has initiated the construction of classrooms in ECDE centres and equipping in a bid
to improve the learning environment so as to increase transition rates thereby enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in these centres.
Primary Education
Primary Education is a National Government function as per the Constitution of Kenya 2010. However, the County Government depends on primary education provision of administrative roles over the Pre-School education and provision of site/location/land for construction of the ECDE classrooms.
There are 382 public Primary Schools and 260 Private primary Schools in the County with a total enrollment of 270,634 pupils with 137,234 being boys and 133,400 being girls. The enrollment in the Primary Schools is dependent on the transition of pupils from Pre-School to Primary Education. It’s important to note also that the performance of pupils in Primary Education is dependent on the quality of education provided at Pre-School. Therefore, the County Government as well as the National Government needs to work under close collaboration so as to reduce the dropout rates from Pre School as well as increasing retention and transition rates between the two levels of learning.
Secondary Education
In Trans Nzoia County there are 241 Public and 19 Private Secondary Schools with a student population of 98,550 out of which, 49,566 are boys and 48,984 are girls.
Despite the fact that provision of Secondary Education is a National Government function, the County is a key partner in the Education sector. The County has put intervention measures such as provision of bursaries to needy students in secondary schools.
Vocational Training centre
The county has a total number of 31 VTCs with a total enrolment of 2760 Students, out of which 1567 are male and 1,193 are female students.The County has invested in the construction of VTCs centres and equipping in a bid to improve the learning environment so as to increase transition rates thereby enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in these centres.
Our Mission is to facilitate transformative development, service delivery and good governance for sustainable socio-economic development and Our Vision is to be an outstanding agro-industrialized County with high quality of life for residents.
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