Welcome to Trans-Nzoia County

Our Mission is to facilitate transformative development, service delivery and good governance for sustainable socio-economic development and Our Vision is to be an outstanding agro-industrialized County with high quality of life for residents.

Land and Land Use

Land and Land Use

Land Ownership Categories / Classification

Land in Kenya is categorized into public, private and community land. In the County land is held both publicly and privately. Public land is under ownership of public institutions while private land is owned by individuals or registered private groups, organization or companies. Majority of land in the County is under private ownership as either leasehold or freehold. In addition, some land in urban areas is also held on temporary basis under Temporary occupation Licenses (ToLs).

Mean holding size

The average land holding in the County is 0.607 hectares for small farm holders and 12.15 Hectares for large scale farm holders. The mean holding land size is however continuously reducing due to subdivision of land occasioned by population pressure.