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Trans Nzoia County CEC’s Join Endebess Residents for International Day of Forests Celebrations

Trans Nzoia County CEC’s Join Endebess Residents for International Day of Forests Celebrations

Trans Nzoia County Executive Committee Member of Water, Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change, Samson Ojwang, represented Governor George Natembeya during a tree planting exercise at the Endebess

Trans Nzoia County Executive Committee Member of Water, Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change, Samson Ojwang, represented Governor George Natembeya during a tree planting exercise at the Endebess Technical Training Institute to commemorate the International Day of Forests. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of forests for environmental, social, and economic benefits, with this year’s theme focusing on “Forests and innovation: New Solutions for a Better World.”

In his address, Mr. Ojwang emphasized the significance of the occasion and urged residents to take proactive measures in conserving and expanding forest cover. He highlighted the role of forests in sustaining life and mitigating the effects of climate change. Mr. Ojwang encouraged residents to participate in the government’s initiative to plant trees, aiming to reach the ambitious target of planting 15 billion trees this year alone.

During the event, various speakers reiterated the importance of sustainable forest management and the need to protect wetlands, which play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and supporting livelihoods. They emphasized the value of collaborative efforts between government agencies, community members, and other stakeholders in achieving forest conservation goals.

Water, Environmental, Natural Resources, and Climate Change Chief Officer Dorothy Nyukuri underscored the County Government’s commitment to promoting tree planting initiatives and enhancing environmental sustainability. She urged farmers to allocate a portion of their land for tree planting to help achieve the County’s targets and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.

The celebrations brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including government officials, development partners, private sector organizations, and community leaders. Their collective efforts demonstrate a shared commitment to safeguarding forests and preserving natural resources for future generations.

